Sunday, August 2, 2009

First Time Blogger

Well here goes.

I just created this blogspot of mine and I really don't know if I had it in me to to create such blogs.

It's been too long since I last wrote my last essays, and as a matter of fact, I really can't remember when I did made such.

Maybe because my field of work did not give me the chance or time to to find out whether I can speak out my mind through writing. And having finished an engineering course, it was almost always numbers, figures and equations that our professors feed us inside the classrooms. Our reports were always in "Outline Formats" which required short and concise phrases or sentences.

Come to think of it, is it possible to write a blog in outline form? Can it still be interesting to read?

Well anyways, since I have plenty of time to sit back and browse with my laptop after work, I will try to post some of the interesting (and maybe also those not so interesting) happenings or events that I will encounter here somewhere in the middle east and maybe, when I become much older, I will be able to read my post again and remember, if not all, the things that I will be experiencing in the remaining 18months of my stay here. That is, if I will not return after the 2 years contract my employer gave me.

I'll stop here for now, it's past 12mn, and I have to wake up early for work and tomorrow let's see if I can continue writing some entries on this newly created blogspot of mine.

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